Accreditation ENMO Services lab – discipline Vibration

The ENMO Services lab is accredited according to ISO17025, with the corresponding specific standards ISO16063-21:2003 and ISO16063-44:2018. Various national guidelines encourage users of accelerometers, force transducers, vibration meters, and vibration calibrators to have an accredited calibration performed to ensure legal and accurate measurements.

With each calibration, the customer receives a full certificate stating that the measuring equipment is functioning within expectations.

Accelerometer & Force transducer

An accelerometer and force transducer, calibrated according to ISO16063-21:2003, are measured in the ENMO Services lab using an advanced measurement system. This system includes a data acquisition system, amplifier, shaker, working standard, reference accelerometer, and various accessories. For force transducer calibration, a set of weights is also used.

For an accelerometer, the sensitivity is recorded at the prescribed frequency using a random signal. Simultaneously, the frequency response is accurately measured for magnitude and phase. These will be presented in 1/12 octave tables and graphs on the certificate.

For a force transducer, no frequency response is measured, but the linearity is determined. The shaker applies a predefined acceleration, and in combination with a precisely known mass, this generates a force that calibrates the transducer.

Vibration meter

Under the same standard, a vibration meter is also calibrated. This calibration is always performed in combination with a transducer and a charge-CCLD converter (if relevant). The frequency response of the vibration meter is measured using various sinusoidal signals. This ensures that the entire measurement chain is calibrated, verifying that all components are functioning correctly.

Vibration calibrator

A vibration calibrator is calibrated according to the ISO16063-44:2018 standard. The reference accelerometer is mounted on the calibrator to determine the level, frequency, and Total Distortion. This measurement is repeated in combination with a known mass to assess whether the vibration calibrator remains stable under the load of a heavier accelerometer.


<< Request your quote here for an accredited calibration of your accelerometer, force transducer, vibration meter and/or vibration calibrator >>